Icon browsing

Steve yorvik.ubunto at googlemail.com
Sun Nov 1 17:42:54 UTC 2009

On Sun, 01 Nov 2009 16:03:31 -0000, R Kimber  
<richardkimber at btinternet.com> wrote:

> With 9.10, in 'Launcher properties' if I click on the icon I get a window
> entitled 'Browse icons' that shows all the icons in the directory listed  
> at
> the top.  If I click on the 'Browse' button, to see other directories,  
> all
> I get is an empty window with no icons.
> Does anyone else get this? It looks like a bug, but I may be doing
> something daft.  Basically, I'm just trying to find the old icon for an  
> app
> because someone, somewhere, in their wisdom, thought it would be nice to
> confuse me by producing a new one. ;-)
> - Richard.
I had this yesterday, you have to click open and the icons will show in  
the Browse Icon window.
It does look like a bug, I don't see why only folders should show in that  
window.  I’ll have a look round for a bug against this.


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