Ubuntu 9.10 netbook remix: not Live???

The Eye In The Sky syiwabhairawa at yahoo.com.sg
Sun Nov 1 14:06:33 UTC 2009

Colin Brace wrote:
> Yes, I realize that Marco. However, this page you refer to
> <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromImgFiles> indicates that
> one needs an IMG file to create a bootable USB stick:

The UNR 9.04 had the IMG file which was ready to be dd-ed to the USB 
flash disk and bootable. It also had the ISO image.
The UNR 9.10 does not have that IMG file. It uses ISO image which need 
to be read by USB creator which in turns will marry the ISO image with 
SYSLinux to make it bootable.

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