why ubuntu 910 boot very slow?

Steve Flynn anothermindbomb at gmail.com
Sun Nov 1 11:59:33 UTC 2009

On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 11:45 AM, born <linuxbqj at gmail.com> wrote:

>      before Oct 29th,I had install the ubuntu 910 beta on my notebook.At
> that time,it use 35 seconds to login into the system .
> Yesterday,I installed the ubuntu 910 standard on the notebook.Now it use 75
> seconds to login into the system.
> My notebook is ASUS x31.the memory is 2G.
> Is someone know the reason? Thanks any way!

It would be useful if you supplied a bootchart for your machine. Don't
post the png file it produces to the list - put it onto a fileshare
site and paste a link to it.

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people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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