Where did xorg.conf go?

Knute Johnson knute2009 at knutejohnson.com
Sun Nov 1 04:58:45 UTC 2009

Steve Reilly wrote:
> Knute Johnson wrote:
>> Steve Reilly wrote:
>>> Knute Johnson wrote:
>>>> I just installed xubuntu on my laptop and I need to edit xorg.conf to 
>>>> get it into 1024x768 but there is no xorg.conf?
>>>> What's up with that?
>>> full path is /etc/X11/xorg.conf
>> Yeah, that's kind of my point, its not there.
> whats the output of
> locate xorg.conf
> in a terminal


So I put my own xorg.conf file in and it works fine.  I was just 
surprised that their wasn't one by default.



Knute Johnson
knute2009 at knutejohnson.com

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