Gnome-do: donate from icon context menu?!?

marc gmane at
Sat May 30 17:39:54 UTC 2009

Dotan Cohen said:

> I just discovered the terrific Gnome-do application. One aspect of the
> software that bothers me is the Donate option from the context menu. I
> have no problem with the dev soliciting donations, but right from the
> application's icon seems a bit untasteful. I should mention that I
> donate regularly to FOSS projects and developers including KDE, Wine,
> and some local FOSS translators. But I will not donate to an application
> that sets dangerous precedent for every application on the system to nag
> the user about donations. FOSS is not about money, and I don't want to
> be reminded to pay every time I use the app.

It's great, eh? I've been playing with its plug-ins today. It does some 
funky things.

I hadn't noticed the donate options. I'm using it with the mini interface 
+ always show results (sic) window, to which I added the Alias plug-in, 
which allows you access the prefs directly (I used 'e3' as shown in the 
Alias example).


"Change requires small steps."

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