Gnome-do: donate from icon context menu?!?

Steven Susbauer steven at
Sat May 30 15:53:43 UTC 2009

Dotan Cohen wrote:
> I just discovered the terrific Gnome-do application. One aspect of the
> software that bothers me is the Donate option from the context menu. I
> have no problem with the dev soliciting donations, but right from the
> application's icon seems a bit untasteful. I should mention that I
> donate regularly to FOSS projects and developers including KDE, Wine,
> and some local FOSS translators. But I will not donate to an
> application that sets dangerous precedent for every application on the
> system to nag the user about donations. *FOSS is not about money*, and I
> don't want to be reminded to pay every time I use the app.

It's not? Free in price is not the intention of FOSS at all, it is just
common. A developer is free to charge for both the software and support,
in this case it's just a link to easily donate, and does nothing to nag.
VIM has the same thing, and only registered VIM users can vote on VIM
issues. Gvim even has it up in the help menu. Because it is FOSS, you
are quite within your rights to remove the item if it bugs you.

If you really think this is a bad way to ask for donations, you should
contact the developer and let him know your thoughts. It may get a more
positive response than a post on here.

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