Low wifi reception in Ubuntu

Jerry Houston jerry at effjayare.net
Sat May 30 13:59:16 UTC 2009

On Saturday 30 May 2009 06:45:18 am Dotan Cohen wrote:
> Any ideas what this could be about, and how to solve it? My first
> guess is that Linux is running the card on a different protocol from
> Windows (the card supports 801.11g) but I do not know how to check
> which protocol either OS is using.

Probably just the driver.  I bought a Level1 802.11n card to use with a 
Toshiba laptop running Linux, and never was successful in finding a way to use 
it with that machine.  

I'm surprised that he's able to use a Level1 card with Linux at all.  I'm not 
surprised that whatever driver he's using doesn't work as well as a Windows 
driver for the same card.

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