PDF Editor in Ubuntu

marc gmane at auxbuss.com
Fri May 29 16:01:06 UTC 2009

Dotan Cohen said:

>> Here's one:
>>  https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=169516
> Thanks, I triaged and commented.
>> I guess I must have given up on okular at that point. It's just
>> unusable the way I work.
> I'd love more comments or bugs to triage. For KDE's benefit, and yours.

Well, I've been around this route before and the regressions this time 
are huge. I don't mind clearing up a mess once, but I'm not as motivated 
to clear up the same mess a second time.

>> I'm actually considering going back to Windows for writing, editing and
>> publishing work, as the Linux tools are either too buggy or badly
>> behaved to work with. (I mainly work with LaTeX producing PDFs.)
> That would probably be best, as PDF-editing tools in Linux are
> desperately lacking.

I'm not editing PDFs. I'm generating them.

Actually, re-setting up my LaTeX set-up today - to avoid Kile (yet more 
regressions, some showstoppers, and still no inline spellcheck), okular, 
and a few other, imo, broken tools - I ended up finding bugs in kmenuedit 
and, ultimately, a serious regression in the handling of file 
associations. Much of this has been raised, but there's little if any 

I really can't believe what they've done to kde. It's criminal.

> Things that you can do to help: * File bugs on
> existing Linux applications

I do this very selectively now, since feedback has become very poor. It 
takes time filing bugs, and gathering and collating the information. 
Again, there is little motivation to do this if there is no feedback.

Here's an example:


> * Write to the developers of Windows-based
> applications that you use and request Linux versions.

I usually ask.


"Change requires small steps."

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