"Norton Utilities" for ubuntu

Mark Williams mark.666 at blueyonder.co.uk
Wed May 27 07:22:23 UTC 2009

Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> --- On Tue, 5/26/09, Steve Reilly <sfreilly at roadrunner.com> wrote:
>> From: Steve Reilly <sfreilly at roadrunner.com>
>> Subject: Re: "Norton Utilities" for ubuntu
>> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
>> Date: Tuesday, May 26, 2009, 8:45 PM
>> eyore15 User wrote:
>>> I had occasion today to over-write a file I really
>> needed.  I thought how 
>>> convenient it would be to have file recovery utility
>> like Norton Rescue.  
>>> I'm pretty sure there is something out there, I just
>> don't know what to 
>>> call it.  Ideally it would be in the Synaptic
>> repositories.
>>> Can you offer me any hope?

Can you add any detail about type of file, format of drive, what you 
have overwritten it with?
debugfs is OK & can undelete a deleted file, if it's still there.
If you just shortened a text file & haven't written to the disk again 
you're probably OK too.
You could check the trash & be sure you didn't delete it before the 
overwrite :)
If you completely wrote data over it, you need a foren$ic data service 
to get data from the fringes of the magnetic domains (ie you're screwed 
unless it's REALLY valuable). Norton can't do this one either.
As previously stated, backups are wonderful - some apps will 
automatically create one, not many these days though, check for 
$filename & .bak. You can see, here, how useful some idea of exactly 
what we're discussing would make a lot of sense...


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