1280 X 768 corrected

Jason Straight jason at jeetkunedomaster.net
Wed May 27 04:04:16 UTC 2009

On 05/26/2009 11:52 PM, Dennis wrote:
> I don't know why my video card doesn't mirror to my Desktop monitor.  I
> will not go with ATI for a video card next time.  I think the ATI x600
> is goofy.  Also, in Windows, it only supports three resolutions with
> 1280x768 as the highest.

Yeah, I feel the same way about ATI, I hear about the same any more with 
nvidia, Intel works great but performance isn't up to ATI or NV.

Anyway, I'm not sure what's going on. xrandr -q is telling us that both 
displays are set to the same resolution and refresh. As far as I can 
tell with this configuration it _should_ be working.

Afraid I probably can't be of any more help.

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