Root partition should I free up space?

Robert Swanson mapa-kettle at
Wed May 27 01:03:21 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 26 May 2009 08:59, Brian McKee wrote:
> On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 2:35 AM, Faizan Kazi <faizan.s.kazi at> 
> > I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 and Ive completely run out of space on my root
> > partition. Ive tried uninstalled programs, cleaning the apt cache and
> > autoremoving stuff, but i only freed 500 M and its giving my system
> > problems... Vuze keeps reporting the harddisk is full... programs seem to
> > be running slow...
> > How do i free up space? Shall I expand the partition? (using ext 4). And
> > where's all my free space gone...??
> >

One possible source of the problem of a full / partition can be a large update 
that has failed, particularly if you have tried to do the update more than 
once.  This just happened to me 3 weeks ago, and it was necessary for me to 
find where the files were copied and delete them.  
	When this was done, my / partition went from 98% back down to 38%.  I can't 
specifically remember in which directory the files were located, and that is 
my bad because I knew I wanted to remember what I did for the next time.
	I am using KDE, and I think I solved the problem by using the Adept updater.  
( I'll write it down the next time I can assure you! )


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