problem saving Xorg.conf file

Florian Diesch diesch at
Tue May 26 17:16:53 UTC 2009

Matthew A Coulliette <matthewdistro at> wrote:

> Here is the problem: I can not save my changes to the /etc/X11/Xorg.conf
> file.
> I switched to root at the command line and then ran nvidia-settings and
> it responded with the error messages listed below:
> root at drpheo:/home/tonydu# nvidia-settings
> ERROR: Invalid display device CRT-0 specified on line 46 of
> configuration file
>        '/root/.nvidia-settings-rc' (the currently enabled display
> devices are
>        DFP-0 on drpheo:0.0).
> ERROR: Invalid display device CRT-0 specified on line 47 of
> configuration file
>        '/root/.nvidia-settings-rc' (the currently enabled display
> devices are
>        DFP-0 on drpheo:0.0).
> ERROR: The attribute 'XVideoSyncToDisplay' specified on line 50 of
>        configuration file '/root/.nvidia-settings-rc' cannot be assigned the
>        value of CRT-0 (the currently enabled display devices are DFP-0 on
>        drpheo:0.0).
> VALIDATION ERROR:  Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.
> Undefined Device "(null)" referenced by Screen "Default Screen".
> I tried to continue configuring the displays using the "NVIDIA X Server
> Settings" - gui.  I made changes using the gui and then clicked "Save to
> X Configuration File".  It responded with this error message: "Failed to
> parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'!".

Remove the files /root/.nvidia-settings-rc and /etc/X11/xorg.conf
(keep a copy for backup) and try again.


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