slow printing

alan duval amoht at
Tue May 26 13:13:12 UTC 2009

noOp wrote:

Sounds similar to this:
[(Intrepid) Missing parport printer in CUPS]

Might be worth having a look through these as well:

$ lsmod |grep parport
parport_pc             40100  1
parport                42220  3 lp,ppdev,parport_pc

I ran the above command with the following result:

alan at mybox:~$ lsmod |grep parport

parport_pc 36260 1

parport 37832 3 ppdev,lp,parport_pc

alan at mybox:~$

Can't see anything in the other sites that could apply.
Decided to add "read and write" to the permissions for others for 
I don't think it has made any difference. I'll time a page of printing 
and then time the same in eComStation to see if there is much difference.


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