Wcid Program problems

Steven Susbauer steven at too1337.com
Mon May 25 22:03:10 UTC 2009

Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> Jerry Houston wrote:
>> On Monday 25 May 2009 13:26:45 Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>>>> I just went to Applications->Internet and clicked the menu item there.
>>>     Also there is no such thing as Applications -> Internet on the web
>>> page at wcid.sourceforge.net/
>> I'm talking about the Applications menu in Ubuntu 9.04, Gnome.  It was there 
>> in KDE as well, although the menu's in a different place, of course.
>     It would help if you not assume we KNOW your talking about a whole 
> new system. I will try that and see...I looked and if you click on the 
> wcid at Applications->Internet you get the Wicd Manager which tells you 
> nothing about how wcid works. This makes you a bald faced liar :-)
>     But if you go to the web page for wcid and click on wiki and the 
> recient work you will see some by KarlLarsen. Click on that and you 
> might learn something.
> Karl

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