Wcid Program problems

Steven Susbauer steven at too1337.com
Mon May 25 18:08:48 UTC 2009

Karl Larsen wrote:
>     I have been looking at the Sourceforge web page for Wcid and it is 
> all showing signs of not enough help for the technical writing and no 
> plain blog on how to install and use Wcid software. Go to 
> http://wicd.sourceforge.net/ and you will see what is happening.
>     If you have experiance with a wiki they need help setting that up. 
> Also the list software is not working. I tried to join and nothing 
> happened. I am not expert in either area :-)
> Karl

It seems to list how to install and use it right where they say it says
it is, http://wicd.sourceforge.net/download.php

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