wicd for Intrepid and Hardy

marc gmane at auxbuss.com
Mon May 25 08:26:48 UTC 2009

Emil Payne said:
> I'm not sure what happened, but I used Synaptic to install wicd and it
> automatically removed Network Manager. The problem is that it removed
> Network Manager and THEN found out there was a dependency error and
> quit. So I was without anything and couldn't get to the internet. I had
> to use the windows machine and download wicd to an SD card and then load
> it into the Ubuntu machine and install it that way to get everything
> back. Shouldn't it have noticed the dependency error before removing
> Network Manager?

Please turn off HTML.

I think this is a fine example of how wrong Network Manager is doing 

If NM was team player, then it would simply amend /interfaces. Then, when 
things messed up for you, you could amend that file to fix things.


"Change requires small steps."

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