Firefox and Thunderbird fix

Shannon McMackin smcmackin at
Mon May 25 04:26:51 UTC 2009

Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>     For some time I have tried to make Firefox and Thunderbird on my 
> laptop work as well as they do on my Hardy. This was not working well 
> until I put .muzilla-thunderbird and .muzilla/firefox from my old Hardy 
> on my laptop. Now of course both are working fine, just as I wanted them 
> to be.
>     So that problem is no more.
> Karl
Out of curiousity, how do you launch these 2 programs and as what user 
do you run them?  On a freshly installed system, starting either one 
should create the directory structure you copied over from previous systems.

Did you copy over a home directory and forget to change permissions? 
That's the only way I can think that they would be behaving like your 
previous post suggested.

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