router security

NoOp glgxg at
Sun May 24 23:57:48 UTC 2009

On 05/24/2009 01:13 PM, Robert Holtzman wrote:
> On Fri, 22 May 2009, NoOp wrote:
>> 7. Assign Static IP Addresses to Devices
>> [excellent advise]
> I already have most everything on your list implemented with the 
> exception of #'s 3,5,and 7. 3 and 5, as you observed, give you very 
> little, if anything. Being a noob with networks, I don't know how to 
> accomplish #7. Any pointers/links/docs etc?

This is setup both in your router and your client (system). Please
advise which router(s) you are using.

> The only real problem is the firewall. I use Firestarter and if I try to 
> run it on the laptop with the desktop connection shut down Firestarter 
> refuses to start. The error message is

If you have a linksys router, the firewall in that router should be
sufficient when connected to your home network via that router. While
roaming Firestarter might be a good idea, but I've only tested it once
or twice. So I don't know enough about it to help. You might have a look at:
to see if that helps.

> The device eth0 is not ready,
> Please check your network device settings and make sure your
> internet connection is active.
> I sent an email to Firestarter support but it's too soon for a reply. 
> Again eth0 being offline is intentional, at least until I research 
> fail2ban and iptables further. Any other thoughts welcome.
> Thanks again for your time.

If you are using the Ubuntu supplied network manager on your wireless
machines, I seriously recommend having a look at installing wicd (see
the threads):
particularly if you wish to enable a fixed IP address while using your
home lan/network.

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