Date changes

H.S.Rai hardeep.rai at
Sun May 24 18:06:11 UTC 2009

On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 10:57 PM, Steve Reilly <sfreilly at>wrote:

> >
> 29/5/2009       EVENING 6TH     CE-304  Geotechnical Engg.      CIVL
>  A0619   A0619
> 1/6/2009        EVENING 6TH     CE-306  Irrigation Engineering-I
>  CIVL    A0620   A0620
> using jaunty and same ooo build here and this is what shows up for 363
> and 363.


>  if you dont want the date formatted the euro way, (day before
> month) then you can change it to whatever you want in the cell format
> menu.  right click and highlight all the dates, right click, format,
> choose date format and pick the way you want it to appear.  is that what
> you were asking?

No. Changing format of date like Jan 30, 99 what I get from row no 350 to
363 are shown below. Correct dates are not reformatted, while others are

    29/5/2009 MORNING 4TH CE-204 Fluid Mechanics-II CIVL A0607  6 Jan 09
MORNING 4TH CE-206 Building Construction CIVL A0608  6 Mar 09 MORNING 4TH
CE-208 Structural Analysis-I CIVL A0609  6 May 09 MORNING 4TH CE-210 Rock
Mech. & Engg Geology CIVL A0610  6 Aug 09 MORNING 4TH CE-216 Envoinmental
Science CIVL A0611  18/6/2009 EVENING 5TH CE-301 Construction Machinery &
Works Mgt. CIVL A0612  20/6/2009 EVENING 5TH CE-303 Design of Steel
Structures-I CIVL A0613  23/6/2009 EVENING 5TH CE-305 Structural Analysis-II
CIVL A0614  25/6/2009 EVENING 5TH CE-307 Design of Concrete Structures-I
CIVL A0615  27/6/2009 EVENING 5TH CE-309 Environmental Engg-I CIVL A0616
30/6/2009 EVENING 5TH CE-311 Transportation Engg-I CIVL A0617  27/5/2009
EVENING 6TH CE-302 Transportation Engg-II CIVL A0618  29/5/2009 EVENING 6TH
CE-304 Geotechnical Engg. CIVL A0619  6 Jan 09 EVENING 6TH CE-306 Irrigation
Engineering-I CIVL A0620

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