they should make a new type of ubuntu

Jonathan D. Armendariz jarmenda at
Fri May 22 23:54:48 UTC 2009

Karl F. Larsen wrote:

>     This is stupid. You have all forgot that the USA has a lot of people 
> who have different faiths and we all live with each other. I like the 
> Moslem temple in Las Cruces and it is far more pretty than the Jewish 
> temple. But who cares? I am Jewish. I do not hate anyone for their 
> religion. We all do it and live together in peace.

You make a good point but for me I say to each their own. If there's an 
interest for it I see no harm in creating such a derivative.

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much as possible. From this, happiness in both the short term and
the long term for both yourself and others will come.

      - Dalai Lama

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