advice for ubuntu on a small machine

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at
Fri May 22 12:00:30 UTC 2009

Kjetil Halvorsen wrote:
> I am considering installing ubuntu or something like that on some old, small
> machines. xubuntu could be a good choice (I understand that is based 
> also on
> gtk, so most gnome programs should work). But even xubuntu could be to 
> large.
> What other good options are there, to maintain some compatibility with
> gnome programs? We need absolutely GNU emacs with auctex for
> tex/latex stuff, and abiword or even openoffice would be nice. Also firefox.
> ¿What options are there?
> Kjetil
> -- 
> "Mathematics is not the rigid and rigidity-producing schema that the 
> layman thinks it is; rather, in it we find ourselves at that meeting 
> point of constraint and freedom that is the very essence of human 
> nature."    
>                                     - Hermann Weyl
The optimal experience of Ubuntu on your machines would be to use a LTSP 
Server based on Xubuntu or Edubuntu and then use your machine pool as 
LTSP Clients.

Of course this assumes that you can use a halway decent machine for a 
server and that you will use a 100Mbit ethernet.

I would think that doing office work, 10 clients could be handled by a 
machine with 2Ghz CPU and 2GB (or more) of RAM. On the client side you 
should have 600mhz CPU (or more) and 128MB (or more) of RAM. You also 
can use less CPU and less RAM, but then the resprective server sessions 
need to run unencrypted.

Just my 5€ cents


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