Apache location?

Chris Mohler cr33dog at gmail.com
Fri May 22 04:55:45 UTC 2009

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 11:37 PM, Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle
<mailinglists at mailnewsrss.com> wrote:
> Hi Rod,
>  Maybe you are using a different apache version. I dont think that it
>> still use httpd for its binary. try apache2 in /usr/sbin.
> Then what about 'apachectl'?
> Is there something I should be reading to be updated on these changes
> between distros?

Not sure, but search via apt-get, aptitude, etc for the package name
(I think it's "apache2") and then run 'dpkg -L' on the package - that
will list all files installed (including the binary path/name).

If you are coming from another distro, deb/ubuntu has a few
quirks/differences - the naming of the apache binary is one of them.
Coming from Fedora/CentOS/Redhat, I had to research quite a bit to get
comfortable with Ubuntu.  Personally, I still prefer redhat-like
distros for servers  - I  have more experience there and the CLI
sysadmin stuff makes more sense to me.  Plus webmin works ;)


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