advice for ubuntu on a small machine

Kjetil Halvorsen kjetil1001 at
Thu May 21 16:55:55 UTC 2009

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 12:51, Justin <eqisow at> wrote:

> On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 12:43 PM, Kjetil Halvorsen <kjetil1001 at>wrote:
>> I am considering installing ubuntu or something like that on some old,
>> small
>> machines. xubuntu could be a good choice (I understand that is based also
>> on
>> gtk, so most gnome programs should work). But even xubuntu could be to
>> large.
>> What other good options are there, to maintain some compatibility with
>> gnome programs? We need absolutely GNU emacs with auctex for
>> tex/latex stuff, and abiword or even openoffice would be nice. Also
>> firefox.
>> ¿What options are there?
>> Kjetil
>> How small are we talking, here?
> Xubuntu is not really any slimmer than Gnome/KDE, despite what some here
> will tell you.

About 200 MB ram. Windows XP are running on those machines now, very slowly.

We hope for something slim enough to be faster.


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