Binary incompatibility of Linux distributions

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Thu May 21 14:28:12 UTC 2009

2009/5/20 Michael Haney <thezorch at>:
> I've found that some people in the Linux community either ignore or
> refuse to accept the harsh reality that the average user expects Linux
> to have certain features expected of a modern operating system, and
> having to compile code to make software work with your OS not one of
> them.
> Mark Shuttleworth wants Ubuntu to be a success, and that's defined as
> Ubuntu having a market share large enough that it starts to edge out
> Windows.  This is a view which most Ubuntu users have and the views
> and attitudes of most Linux Purists just isn't compatible with
> Ubuntu's philosophy.  Its not a Linux distro targeted at the Purists,
> if you want a distro that is go with Slackware instead.  Ubuntu is
> targeted at the average Jane/Joe Windows User, and they have a set of
> expectations which must be address in order for Ubuntu to be a
> successful alternative to Windows.  Linux Purists who use Ubuntu will
> have to live with the reality that 90% of the user base want the
> distro to be competitive with Windows and eventually gain a higher
> market share.
> If you can't deal with this then its time to move on to a more Linux
> Purist compatible distro.

I don't like anti-Windows attitudes either, but is most certainly is
Ubuntu's reason for existing:

Note the bug number, and the OP.

Dotan Cohen

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