Binary incompatibility of Linux distributions

Christopher Chan christopher.chan at
Thu May 21 00:14:12 UTC 2009

Bryan wrote:
> IMO it just seems incredibly sloppy.  Intel's video drivers are not
> binary blobs.  They are open sourced and freely available to test
> with.
I don't see how that is any different with ATI's or Nvidia's binary 
drivers...they are still freely available to test with.

> Also it was irresponsible to not give ample warning that video
> performance might be incredibly degraded on these chips.
What performance?

Anyway, this is not the first time there has been an Ubuntu release with 
something broken/subpar/whatever and that will always be the reality. If 
you don't like it, go install Debian stable.

Everything Linux is a blinking moving target. There has to be a 
compromise and if you do not like that, go install Debian stable. They 
don't compromise...they just make a release after a decade or two.

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