Jaunty vs. 8.10

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Wed May 20 23:22:59 UTC 2009

On 05/20/2009 04:05 PM, J Bickhard wrote:
>> Ask your dad to download the ISO for you & then burn an installation CD.
>> I could just give you the link, but better if you follow each on top to
>> bottom to learn a little along the way:
> Ummmm... How do you think I got 8.10? I dled it. I just have a slow
> internet and don't want to wait +5 hours with that kind of load on my
> network/internet, and then another 20min while the ISO burns, I'd
> rather just wait a month or so and have a professional disk with the
> logo and stuff.

You should install gwget. You can set it up to download at whatever rate
you prefer, and have it stop & start the download. For example, I only
have a 1.5Mb dsl and if I just do downloads, the download sucks up my
full bandwidth. However, using gwget I just set the download rate at
100KBsec (Preferences) and it downloads at that bandwidth. The remainder
is fast enough for me to browse, email, etc. If I need more bandwidth
during the download, I simply 'Pause' the download and then resume it
later. Note: it can be resumed even if you close gwget and restart gwget


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