upgraded to Kubuntu 9.04 and I hate Kontact

anthony baldwin photodharma at gmail.com
Wed May 20 11:03:39 UTC 2009

prad wrote:
> On Sat, 16 May 2009 17:33:50 -0700
> Pastor JW <pastor_jw at the-inner-circle.org> wrote:
>> I use Kmail only, not Kontact at all.
> i don't even do that. i used to think kde was the best - even though i
> didn't use anything other than konqueror, konsole, kmail - with
> definitely superior apps.
> however, having seen kde4 at work and watching kontact's calendar do
> really weird things like lock up, i went to dwm and sylpheed-claws.

dwm rocks (although, at the moment I'm using ion3).
Try mutt for e-mail.

> then i just went to ubuntu and gnome which has been working beautifully!
>> I tend to think bloatware 
>> belongs on windoze, not any working OS.
> absolutely!

I don't like bloatware, either (obvious from my wm choices), but, some 
of us do.
Once again:  Choice -  the beauty of FOSS.



art & photos | tony baldwin

Unitarian Universalist art.

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