HP 4P scanner use

alan duval amoht at westnet.com.au
Wed May 20 09:48:22 UTC 2009

I have just installed gOS which is based on Ubuntu 8.04. I have a HP4P 
scanner attached by SCSI card. When XSane is used it cannot detect the 
scanner but when I type sudo xsane (with password) it is found and I can 
scan docs. However popup note says it is dangerous to do this.
If I type chmod 666 /dev/sg0 in root I can then open the XSane dialog 
from the desktop XSane icon and scan docs, but then need 3 attempts to 
shut down the program as a note says "Failed to create file: Permission 
denied"  Also I have to follow this procedure every time I use the computer.
How can I use XSane from my desktop instead of running it from root?


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