New guy

anthony baldwin photodharma at
Wed May 20 02:33:22 UTC 2009

J Bickhard wrote:
> what good does synaptic do me when i have no internet on that machine?

unless...if you can get a repo copied to dvds or an external drive, or 
something, via the parental unit's machine...
Because Synaptic can use a dvd or cdrom a a repo.
I know that with Debian you can more or less do that...full download of 
all available packages in a repo takes up something like mucho DVDs or 
something...I dunno...but then you could point synaptic to said dvds for 
installation purposes.
Unfortunately, I don't see that option on the ubuntu downloads page.

another thing that sucks about not having internet access is that you 
can't get updates.  Of course, without a connection, security isn't much 
of an issue, but getting other udpates would still be useful...

You couldn't get your parents to allow you connect your machine for a 
while, under their supervision, to conduct the necessary installations 
and updates you need?

Clean your room up real nice, mow the lawn, clean out the garage, wash 
Dad's car, buy Mom flowers, eat all your vegetables, and then ask...
Just a thought...


art & photos | tony baldwin
Unitarian Universalist art.

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