jaunty the worst ever

Jerry Houston jerry at effjayare.net
Tue May 19 11:10:32 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 19 May 2009 03:39:21 Faizan Kazi wrote:
> > On my SuSE systems, it's easy.  Just install all the environments you
> > want, and when you log in there's a dropdown that lets you pick the one
> > to use for
> > that session.
> In Ubuntu you do it pretty much the same way. At login when it asks for
> your username and password, you can change your "session" type. 

Thanks for the help.  I just discovered the Synaptic package manager, and was 
able to install other environments, including icewm.  Until now, I'd thought 
that Add/remove Applications _was_ the package manager, as it looks much like 
the one in SuSE (only a bit simpler).

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