ubuntu post installation hardening

Hal Burgiss hal at burgiss.net
Sun May 17 18:02:51 UTC 2009

On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 05:46:23PM +0000, looner _ wrote:
> Just quick question if anybody can advise me how to make my Ubuntu
> as secure as possible.

a) physical security?
b) local system security (eg multiple users on same box)?
c) remote security? how do you connect to the internet?
d) how sensitive is the information you are protecting, and how

If its a home system, behind a NAT router, and you are not running any
remote services that are reachable from the internet, and your local
and LAN users, are really trusted by you, all you have to do is keep
your system updated, only use applications from trusted sources, and
use strong passwords for everything. That'll cover 99+% of mischief. 


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