upgraded to Kubuntu 9.04 and I hate Kontact

Pastor JW pastor_jw at the-inner-circle.org
Sun May 17 00:33:50 UTC 2009

On Saturday 16 May 2009 1:26:49 pm Mike McGinn wrote:
> I have been using Kontact and Kmail for years, I just upgraded from 8.10 to
> 9.04 and I am sorry I did. The new version of Kontact stinks. I do not like
> those bars at the beginning of each thread, it does not remember my display
> setting between sessions. The display of Kontacy is frequently messed up.
> Some upgrade! Is there a way to get the old version of Kontact back? or am
> I stuck with this turd?

I agree, I use Kmail only, not Kontact at all.  I tend to think bloatware 
belongs on windoze, not any working OS.  I delete Kontact first thing along 
with Kwallet on every new install I do.  

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276
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