
anthony baldwin photodharma at gmail.com
Sat May 16 19:59:31 UTC 2009

Markus Schönhaber wrote:
> Heike C. Zimmerer:
>> And if you want ~ to expand to another user's home directory than the
>> current, suffix it by its login name.  E.g., ~sg1/Desktop will expand to
>> /home/sg1/Desktop if sg1's home directory is there. 
> Indeed. And this should be plain obvious to anyone having read, for
> example, the first paragraph of the "Tilde Expansion" section in the
> bash manpage.
> To anyone but me, that is. I've somehow managed to miss this, until now.
> So, thanks for mentioning it!

yeah...but how many people have read the "tilde exapnsion" section of 
the bash man page?

I haven't.


art & photos | tony baldwin

Unitarian Universalist art.

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