[OT] Blackberry (Was: 'Tone of the list' discussion)

Amedee Van Gasse (ubuntu) amedee-ubuntu at amedee.be
Fri May 15 06:26:36 UTC 2009

christopher.lemire at gmail.com schreef:

> P.s. Excuse my top post. I tried to bottom post, but the blackberry
> curve smartphone's email client would not allow me to bottom post.
> Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

You don't *have* to send email from your BlackBerry. There is really no
emergency on this mailing list that forces you to reply without delay.
You could just wait a few hours until you are back at the office or back
home, and send your email from your regular computer, in all comfort.

Really, you should use your BlackBerry for what it's designed: for
managers that *really* need to stay in touch with their office. Every
other usage is just a "pimp my belt" toy. Sure it's cool to work with a
BlackBerry in public, people who see you with "the shiney" think that
you must be someone important. I'm not saying that you aren't, but this
mailing list surely isn't. Really. Come on, be honest. It's just a
mailing list for Linux support. Get over it, nobody will die if you wait
a few hours.

Kind regards,
Amedee Van Gasse

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