Media player with crossfading effect.

Carl Friis-Hansen ubuntuuser at
Fri May 15 06:04:20 UTC 2009

Raseel Bhagat wrote:
> Hmm..  Ok, even if crossfading is not possibl, is there a way to prevent
> the
> glitches one sees when players like vlc or mplayer are transitioning from
> one media file (video) to another ?

> I just want to prevent this. I don't care if I am staring at a blank
> screen
> for a second, as long as the screen does not STOP.

I had a stupid thought:  What if you continuously supply a video feed from
your individual video files.  Then *any* video player would do.  How to
pipe this video feed is beyond me, I think, but I am sure you or somebody
else on list can do it.

                           Carl Friis-Hansen
                           Phone: +46 372 15033

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