Evolution send mail though proxy setting, how to? -- 2.26.1 still doesn't work!

Daniel.Li daniel_li at usish.com
Thu May 14 01:19:05 UTC 2009

On Wed, 2009-05-13 at 10:18 +0800, Christopher Chan wrote:
> > There's nothing inherently wrong with proxying SMTP connections.  
> >   
> So long as they are connecting to their smarthosts to submit their
> email 
> and other than the fact that natting is most probably the better way
> to 
> allow smtp/submission/smtps/pop3/imap connections. Oh, that is
> besides 
> the fact that this capability is inherently meant to get around 
> firewalls and most likely, therefore, company policy if the network 
> administrator did not open up email related connections in the 
> firewall/gateway.

Is there anyway to simply test 25 port at specific ip (server) address,
so that we can sure it's a proxy issue?


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