Ubuntu One: interesting concept!

Rashkae ubuntu at tigershaunt.com
Wed May 13 23:23:05 UTC 2009

H.S. wrote:
> Just saw this:
> http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2009/05/hands-on-canonical-aims-for-the-cloud-with-new-ubuntu-one.ars
> Looks very interesting. I think a large set of users will love this
> feature who want to keep a set of files in sync across various machines.
> Plus it is bringing collaboration in a big way to Ubuntu and Linux!

Oh yes,, I'm drooling already, but the real question, will the server
end be available as free software as well, or just the client? (and
whatever happened to the Novell file synchronization they were working
on for Suse?  I think that was GPL, but AFAIK, never finished and never
ported to other distros)

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