9.04: no "third party" apps available ?

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Wed May 13 15:52:10 UTC 2009

> But the real reason that no third-party
> apps show up in the Add/Remove list is that the app-install-data-partner
> package does not come with any *.desktop files for any packages in
> Canonical's jaunty repository.

Yes I though about that, while reading a few bug reports 10 minutes ago...

> When you file the bug, you should file it against the apt and
> app-install-data-partner packages. Both have incorrect url's for the
> Canonical repository, and app-install-data-partner has no
> appropriate .desktop files for the Add/Remove Third-party list of
> applications.

Too late, I have alreday jsut filed the bug report ;-)
The devs will assign to the appropriate packages I am sure...

Here is the link:



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