The future of Ubuntu Linux.... Will it make Micky$oft go bankrupt?
Derek Broughton
derek at
Wed May 13 14:11:34 UTC 2009
Christopher Chan wrote:
> Derek Broughton wrote:
>> Amit Kumar wrote:
>>>> There are plenty of standardization efforts and international united
>>>> linux users efforts.
>>> Examples please.
> [snipped Linux standardization efforts from list]
>> ODF
> That is not Linux distro specific. We just happen to benefit from it.
True. otoh, I was responding to a request for examples of "standardization
efforts" - he didn't say they had to only apply to Linux.
> That is NOT a linux related effort. POSIX was in place before Linux was
> even conceived. Linux mostly maintains compliance with posix so there
> won't be too much trouble porting UNIX software over to Linux.
Absolutely, but it's actually more directly relevant to the posters question
than ODF, because we _do_ generally try to maintain posix compatibility (I
recall fairly recently Torvalds saying something to the effect that we
shouldn't insist on it when POSIX is wrong - but that just underlines how
much we _do_ use it)
> The Linux kernel following the posix standard has no bearing on
> standardization between Linux distros which must take place at a higher
> level than the kernel found in the rest of your list.
That seems like a non sequitur. It's just another form of th
standardization effort that the poster thinks doesn't exist in Linux.
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