The future of Ubuntu Linux.... Will it make Micky$oft go bankrupt?

Steven Susbauer steven at
Wed May 13 14:14:40 UTC 2009

On Wed, 13 May 2009 01:02:12 -0500, Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at>  

>> Yum was a great improvement over up2date, thank goodness for Yellow Dog.
>> Of course, it still uses rpms, which will always give me a sour taste.
> Are you aware that RPM is the specified package format of the Linux
> Standard Base:
> By the way, here is a nice comparison of DEB, RPM, TAR and other
> packaging formats:

There is nothing wrong with RPM itself, only my own personal experiences  
using the "Google" RPM package repository. I know these old issues are now  
gone, but I have not fully gotten over it. That and it always seems  
RPM-based distributions are somewhat bloated/slow. Maybe it's not a  
coincidence that RPM became the "standard" as it seems those using RPMs  
are generally the companies with the most money at the time the LSB was  
created (Red Hat, SUSE/Novell, etc).

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