The future of Ubuntu Linux.... Will it make Micky$oft go bankrupt?

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Tue May 12 21:10:49 UTC 2009

Derek Broughton wrote:
> Chan Chung Hang Christopher wrote:
>> ...let's see...Oracle is already doing something similar to what Centos
>> does with why buy Redhat?
> In short, because that's what they do.  It's an extremely common business 
> model in IT.  Companies buy up all the competitors in their field.  
> Microsoft, Computer Associates, Oracle (and Sun before them) are all 
> examples.
    Exactly! I looked up Red Hat and found it has been going up because 
it appears it will be bought. Red Hat has been doing Very well during 
the business down-turn. A whole lot better than most in fact...


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