create custom livecd remaster iso

anthony baldwin photodharma at
Tue May 12 20:53:24 UTC 2009

NoOp wrote:
> On 05/12/2009 11:45 AM, anthony baldwin wrote:
>> NoOp wrote:
>>> On 05/12/2009 06:47 AM, anthony baldwin wrote:
>>> <snip>
>>>> I want to be able to remaster an existing system onto livecd iso, like I 
>>>> did with LinguasOS/PCFluxboxOS, creating a small livecd with the tools 
>>>> professional translators use.  (This same script on PCLOS can be used to 
>>>> back-up an entire system to a livecd or dvd...pretty cool).
>>>> Understand that my h at X0r skills are limited, so I'm kind of hoping to 
>>>> find a script or program like PCLOS has that does all the heavy lifting 
>>>> of the iso remaster creation.  Customizing the system, itself, I can 
>>>> handle by myself.
>>> Perhaps:
>>>  Search: livecd
>>> will help?
>> Actually...that's all very, very complicated.
>> In PCLOS all I had to do was (after customizing the system, of course)
>> $ su
>> # remasterme
>> It's something like this "remasterme" script that I seek.
>> I'm too lazy to try it the hard way...
>> /tony
> OK, try this then:
> <>
> <>

Remastersys looks PERFECT!


art & photos | tony baldwin
Unitarian Universalist art.

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