The future of Ubuntu Linux.... Will it make Micky$oft go bankrupt?

Derek Broughton derek at
Tue May 12 18:11:06 UTC 2009

Dotan Cohen wrote:

>> Well, in that cases its up to the Linux community to educate them.
> Some people just don't care until you show them a better product. I'm
> one of them.

Really?  More often, people just don't _pay attention_.  How many people 
didn't care that Facebook was about to apply new terms of service?  That's 
the problem with using something like Skype.  I completely agree that we 
have a problem in that we have to be able to talk to Skype users (well, you 
do - my Internet is still in the dark ages, and if I used Skype, I'd never 
get to talk to anyone...) but yes, we need to educate Skype users that it's 
not in their best interests to use Skype until Skype is interoperable.

>> I don't mind paying for an application if it works, but what I dislike
>> is the limiting of my freedom with regard to the software I use, and
>> that is why I dislike the fact that the Skype protocol is bound to the
>> one brand of software.
> So either reverse engineer it,

That would be illegal...
>>And because it is limiting the software
>> development of Skype to a restrictive OS (which seems to me a very
>> dangerous principle), and hardware development is being progressively
>> locked in to that one OS, the Linux community has a legitimate
>> complaint in regard to the erosion of our freedoms.
> Which OS is that? I was unaware that Skype restricts your freedom to
> develop software on the OS of your choice.

C'mon Dotan - you know he didn't say that.  

> Show me a client that has the above features, and can be installed
> with click-click-click with no cost to the user and I'll help you
> spread the word.

There is, unfortunately, no F/LOSS software that comes with a pony...

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