After 3 years of Ubuntu, suddenly lost sound

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Tue May 12 14:03:37 UTC 2009

On Tue, 12 May 2009 15:52:08 +0200
custom at wrote:

> Didn\'t even upgrade or install anything..  Was using it
> today at the office, no issues at all.  Then got home and no
> sound anymore, also not after restarting..
> The strange thing is, I DO have sound on the login page,
> and I DO have sound in Skype.
> But no system sounds, no music, no sound with videos, etc..
> I\'m at a complete loss.. I googled around a bit and found
> some posts on pulse audio so I installed a bunch of sound
> related packages..  no effect.

Had the same problem at some point with a past Ubuntu release, maybe a
year ago can't remember. Suddenly lost sound, but still sound at

Only way to get the sound back, in my case, was to restart the computer
altogether ! Not cool :-/
Lucikly, the problem never re-appeared... crossing fingers, because I
really hate to have to cease all business, close all
aplications/document/browser tabs, in order to restart the machine.

Vince, so far so good, touching wood...

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