Craig - installing programs issues

anthony baldwin photodharma at
Tue May 12 14:00:41 UTC 2009

sg1 wrote:
> Hi
> Every one keeps on saying that there Grand Mother and six year old son
> can use Ubunta, the problem is that it is easy to install and use email
> and surfing the web but when it comes to installing programs is next to
> impossible, I do not mean the add/remove programs, but programs that
> have been independently written, one waste so much time on trying to
> install the programs with out any success like collabcad.
> The instructions said quote "After downloading the file, type the
> following command 
> tar xvzf collabcad.tgz 
> This will install CollabCAD on your system by creating the directory
> called ccad.
> Typed in "tar xvzf collabcad.tgz" into terminal window and just error
> messages appeared.
> There is no where on the help menu or web page that tells anyone on how
> to use the terminal properly to install programs.
> I spent hours trying to use terminal or days to be more honest, all
> these web site tell you how to install these programs but just errors
> occur.
> I went to the Ubunta home page to find out how to use the IRC chat
> channel without any success the help pages just keep going around in
> circles that do not tell you how to install or how to use the programs.
> I think it is just quicker to go back to XP.
> Thanks Craig

Hello, Craig,

First of all, it's UBUNTU (not ubunta).

Okay, now we got that out of the way...
I hear your frustration.  We DO want to help, but you've got to help us 
to help you.
Just telling us that you get errors doesn't help us solve your problem.
Copy the errors you receive and send them to the list, and we might have 
a chance to understand your problem and offer assistance.
For instance, if you downloaded collabcad.tar.gz to /home/craig/Desktop, 
or something, and just went into terminal, you will get errors, because 
you didn't do "$ cd Desktop" first (cd meaning "change directory", which 
would move your terminal session to the propery directory to work on the 
file..of course, you really shouldn't install from ~/Desktop, but we'll 
worry about that issue if/when it arises).
Your problem could be that simple, but how we are to determine that 
without further information, I don't know.

We DO like to help, and, although many of us don't believe that Linux is 
the right choice for everybody, we do believe that most can learn to use 
it, and when they do, they will be quite satisfied.  We enjoy seeing 
that happen.
But, we value independence, and precise communications.  You've already 
demonstrated the curiosity and fortitude to step into unknown waters, 
which we respect, by trying to use Ubuntu.  Take another step and help 
us help you, by communicating more effectively, please.  We understand 
you won't know all of our linux-geek jargon right out the starting gate, 
but, at least be kind enough to give us some specifics to help you, 
rather than simply vent on the list.  Seeing your frustration, thus, 
while lacking the means (pertinent information) to assist you is just as 
frustrating for us.


tcl it..oh yeah...I like it like that...

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