Jaunty's event notification system : how to revert to the old/previous system ?

marc gmane at auxbuss.com
Mon May 11 21:46:19 UTC 2009

Vincent Trouilliez said:

> I installed Jaunty 2/3 weeks ago when it was released. I have therefore
> been using/enduring the new notification system extensively, and sooo
> wish I could revert to the previous system. I am not talking about the
> update-manager notification which too, has seen unpopular modifications.
> I am talking about the notifications the system and any and all
> application (media player, download manager, whatever app) use to
> display information in the top panel. This new notification system is
> really buggy I find, it's getting on my nerves a bit more every day ;-/
> Is there any simple/doable way to revert to the previous notification
> system, or is it hard-coded/built into each and every application and
> therefore impossible to change (other than downgrading each and every
> app to their 8.10 version... downgrading to Ubuntu 8.10 altogether would
> be more practical :-/ )  ?

Rubbish, isn't it? Well, it's got the seed of something, but the 
implementation is hopelessly naive. My understanding is that we have it 
for good; indeed, the ubuntu-meisters have "persuaded" upstream to adopt 
it, so there's no way out via installing Debian.

There is some control permitted from some apps, but not a lot. I use kde, 
where more controlled is "tolerated" than in gnome, but even there it is 
pretty much an uncontrollable monster.

If someone knows where the "design" discussion for notifications is 
happening, then please link.


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