Apt-cacher problem

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Mon May 11 13:49:52 UTC 2009

Arun Shrimali wrote:

> Dear All,
> Recently I have installed Ubuntu 9.04 on the desktop with apt-cacher
> as discribed at
> http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-set-up-a-repository-cache-with-apt-cacher
> Probably apt-cacher is working properly, but my problem is that,
> 1. when some other client installed any packages it take too much time
> to load (it took more than a hour to update the PC)

Sounds like it's _not_ working.  Specifically, I'd guess the proxy is timing 
out trying to reach the local repository, _then_ going out to the Internet 

> 2. When it try to look at the Apt-cacher traffic report it shows all
> entries as "0" as follows :

> Cache hits	Cache misses	Total
> Requests 	0 (0%)	0 (0%)	0
> Transfers 	0 MB (0%)	0 MB (0%)	0 MB

otoh, you'd expect to see "misses"...
> Can any body tell me what is happening, either other client is using
> this apt-cacher, if so, why the values are zero and why the other
> client is taking tooo much time in fetching package.

You might consider apt-cacher-ng.  I installed it last week and it's been 

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