Cannot install packages on jaunty

Arnaud MEZ arnaudmez at
Mon May 11 13:31:42 UTC 2009

Hello everyone,

I've juste installed jaunty on my laptop. First everything is good
except the visual effects "could not be enabled" i get an intel
graphics 945.
I do believe that the problem can be solved by adding repositories
dvds i get from my provider (complete set - 6DvDs). I added them and
when done with that step, i tried to install some packages using
synaptic & it's sendind me this msg
 <E: type "partner" is not know on line 42 in source list /etc/apt/sources.List
E:the list of source could not be read. Go to repository dialog to
correct the problem.
E:_cache->open() failed, please report.>
And the other one is:
<This is a major failure of your software management system.Please
check for broken packages witnh synaptic,check the file permissions
and correctness of the file '/etc/apt/sources.List' and reload the
software information with 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get
install -f'>.

I've tried those two command but nothing, now my question is what the
solution to get a rid of this problem, must i connect to internet and
try to see if it's will correct anything?

Please help, i really want that amazing OS to work nicely on my laptop
it use to be.

Thanks for help.

Sent from my mobile device


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