how to share internet to LAN via NAT server on ubuntu

Marius Gedminas marius at
Sat May 9 21:23:03 UTC 2009

On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 12:56:02AM +0530, Jaspreet Singh wrote:
> hi i just got a problem, one of my system has 4 nodes, on the main
> node(ubuntu) it has Internet connection, now the situation is how to share
> that internet to othr 3 nodes on local lan. help would be apperciated...

At one point in time it was sufficient to

  sudo apt-get install ipmasq dnsmasq

and your system would share its uplink connection (properly NATed) to
all other machines on the internal LANs.

I'm pretty sure it should still work.

You might also want to enable dnsmasq's built-in DHCP server, if you
don't have one set up already, to get the internal LAN machines
automatically get the correct IP, DNS and gateway addresses.

Marius Gedminas
At most companies, programmers aren't trusted with words that a user might
actually see (and for good reason, much of the time).
		-- Joel Spolski
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