Hardy failed

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Sat May 9 12:16:48 UTC 2009

Chan Chung Hang Christopher wrote:
> Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>>     I was using Hardy when Thunderbird did some odd things. I thought 
>> IMAP was the cause. But then using the laptop imap was fine. So I 
>> rebooted my Hardy and all heck was caused. It came up and said to run 
>> fsck on /dev/sda6 and asked for my root password. I do not have a root 
>> password...
> Hardy sure has an attitude. It is such a rebel to enable root account 
> without your permission.
    There IS a root tool put there by an application. The name is ben 
and it has root power. This may be the one.

>>     So a Ctrl-Alt-Del got me out and I booted into my 9.04 system and 
>> using a terminal I ran sudo fsck /dev/sda6 and it it found a whole lot 
>> of errors on that ext3 file system for some reason. But it got done and 
>> I am back on Hardy again and Thunderbird is working normal...
>>     Looks like you should run a check every so often. Not sure how often?
> Your hard disk has had enough of you and is contemplating retiring for 
> good. Please do consider spending more money on your hard disk by doing 
> things like buying it a pet UPS, arranging for a girl friend to be its 
> lifelong companion, getting it a power tool like a battery backed backup 
> cache such as the I-RAM or, if you do not wish to spoil your hard disk, 
> you can whip it into behaving by running fsck twice a day.
    Doubt that any of this is good advice :-)


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